Seeing is already creating. Every gaze builds a world, every visual judgment shapes perceived reality. On the light table, textile trims become a perceptual playground: forms emerge, dissolve, resurface. Boundaries blur, colors amplify, shapes merge and transform. Like in the law of continuity, threads extend beyond their visible surface, reaching into the unseen.
The S/S 26 collection transcends aesthetic exploration – it delves into the very nature of seeing. A journey through perception’s depths: where direct vision meets unconscious inference, where trims become lenses, filters, portals to infinite interpretations.
A light table as a laboratory. Hands arranging fabrics, shifting, composing. Craftsmanship and optical intuition in conversation. A movement between the human gesture and the illuminated frame, between the slowness of tradition and the velocity of vision.
Not objects, but processes. Not materials, but possibilities. An invitation to look beyond the weave of light, to perceive not just what appears, but what is revealed through observation. The art of seeing, imagining, constructing through vision.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Not static elements, but fluid compositions, redefining themselves with every shift of focus. As textile meets light, perception bends. Nets, fringes, trims—hit by beams of light—become something else: optical illusions, textures in flux, where figure and background endlessly chase one another. Shadows and edges play, drawing geometries that hover between the real and the ephemeral.

Concept by Marta Martina (Superzoom) + Anna Magrin
Photography by Margherita Cecchini